Hi, I am Thushara!
I have a broad adaptable skill set in software development, data science, data engineering, and data analytics. Specialising in neuroscience MedTech, I help my clients gather and transform data into meaningful actionable insights.
Years of Experience
Projects Completed
/ My Story
Restoring vision to the blind
Not quite epic enough to be classified as a project of ‘biblical proportions’, but quite exceptional nonetheless… One of my most memorable experiences was writing software to electrically stimulate the retina of a woman (Dianne) who had severe vision impairment. I was in the lab when the ‘Bionic Eye’ was first switched on. We slowly increased the electrical current. At each increment everyone collectively held their breath. At the sixth attempt, quite unexpectedly, Dianne exclaimed “I saw something!”
And that’s what it’s all about. I’m driven to make a positive impact on people’s lives and my passion stems from moments like above where I’ve contributed to something utterly inspirational.
/ Outcomes
When you succeed,
I succeed
My data insights enabled companies to secure more than $20 million from government, philanthropic, and institutional sources. I have worked with three startups to launch their products. My software has been used in two medical implants. And my work has contributed to 35+ scientific articles and 5 patent applications.
/ services
What do you do?
When people ask me what I do for a living, I never quite find the right words. Like a pruned LLM, I stumble and regurgitate something generic. How can I convey the random reality that is my work? One day Iโd be training a binary classifier to detect anomalies in time series brain signals, the next day Iโm deploying web apps behind a nginx proxy. The day after that, I might be writing a research paper, drafting a patent, deploying a postgres sever, or fixing a bug in our dagster ETL pipelines. Occasionally, management will ask me to go speak at a conference. Every day is different, the future is uncertain, I learn what is needed and get the job done.
Bespoke Software Development
Time Series Data Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Machine Learning
Custom Visualisations
ETL Pipelines
Algorithm Development
Business Intelligence Reports
Live Dashboards
Task Automation
Hardware Integration
OnPrem DevOps
Team Building
Mentoring and Coaching
/ Contact
Interested in working with me?
Let’s talk: [email protected]
Thushara Perera
Founder and CEO
Data Charm